Top 5 most popular car colours in Cyprus

ТОП-5 самых популярных цветов машин на Кипре
15 July 2023 Irina Zholnirova

Interestingly, Cypriots' car colour preferences differ from those of the rest of the world and Europe, although the most popular colour is still the same. So, not to keep you guessing for too long, let's start our TOP with the most popular colour.


It is not hard to guess why this colour is so popular on the hot southern island. A white car is slower and heats up less, so it is chosen by around 35% of drivers (here and below are statistics from CyStat for 2021).

However, the white colour of the car is popular all over the world and also occupies a place in the ranking of the most white cars. And not just in southern countries, although the percentage of white cars sold and bought there is significantly higher (by about 10% compared to northern regions). So what is it that makes white so attractive?

  1. Absolutely universal. It suits every gender, age and status. This makes it ideal for a car that will be used by several family members in turn.
  2. Looks good on any class of car - whether it's a small Chinese car or a luxury Jaguar.
  3. Noticeable on the road. At the same time, it does not 'jump out' and looks organic.
  4. It is not boring. Unlike all other colours, it never gets boring and can be the car owner's favourite colour for decades.
  5. Easy to paint. If scratches or chips appear (and they are inevitable), it is very easy to repair them yourself - because it is easy to "get into the paint".
  6. Easy to clean. There is no such thing as a stain that has gone unnoticed.

So white is a "universal" colour. That is why it is loved not only in Cyprus but all over the world.

Interestingly, the same 35% included not only glossy white, but also pearlescent cars.


The second most popular colour, against all expectations, is grey. It was chosen by 19% of car buyers in Cyprus. However, do not be surprised: black is not in second place again because of the climate. Firstly, a grey car does not heat up as quickly, although it is inferior to its white "comrades" in this respect. Secondly, it is almost impervious to dust, which can be a problem in Cyprus, especially in the summer.

Worldwide, grey cars are only in fourth place, accounting for one in ten buyers. Maybe it's a matter of being too categorically neutral. It is true that white and black, although belonging to the monochrome palette, have a more pronounced individuality.

But the Cypriots are not intimidated by this. They focused on the following advantages of the grey shade

  1. It does not heat much in the sun;
  2. It doesn't show dust;
  3. it is not susceptible to chips and small dents;
  4. It is universal - suitable for any class of car and its owner.
  5. In the statistics, grey is often combined with metallic silver, but in Cyprus these shades have been separated. And rightly so - after all, they are very different in appearance.


Black is only in third place, although it is worth wondering why - in Cyprus 15% of buyers chose this colour. After all, it would seem that it should get a lot of heat. But there are reasonable explanations.

However, we should not forget that cars (even black ones) have their own air conditioning. And the scorching sun in Cyprus does not shine all year round, only half of the year. So black is a very sensible choice for a car.

It has many advantages:

  1. It looks prestigious and is universal;
  2. It is practical - any dark dirt is hardly noticeable on it;
  3. It is not boring and at the same time has a certain brightness and expressiveness;
  4. is equally beautiful in both matt and glossy versions.

Incidentally, many taxi drivers in Cyprus choose black cars for their work.

It is interesting to note that black is the second most popular colour in the world, accounting for about 18% of all sales. Of course, it is more popular in the northern regions (up to 21%), and in the southern countries they try to give it up.

Metallic silver

It is significant that silver is not right behind grey, even though they seem to be "relatives". The share of silver car purchases in Cyprus is only 9.64% of all transactions. This is probably due to the fact that this colour is not as universal, although it has the same advantages as grey.

Globally, metallic silver is moderately popular. It is chosen by 13 per cent of car owners. Yes, it's easy to clean and doesn't get hot in the sun - but many people find metallic too flashy and opt for something else.

Blue and shades of blue

Once again Cyprus surprises when compared to the global situation. Blue cars accounted for 9.6% of sales, almost as much as silver metallic. Why this happened can only be guessed.

The first guess is quite amusing: blue is basically a Mediterranean colour. It was used both for traditional clothing and for decorating houses. So the blue car is a kind of subconscious 'tribute' to Cypriot traditions.

The second assumption is that blue is the most neutral of the bright colours. Red, yellow, orange, pink or green evoke more emotions (both pleasant and unpleasant). And blue emphasises individuality and does not make a certain impression.

The advantages of blue cars include:

  1. Less visible dirt, scratches and chips;
  2. is one of the "unisex" colours;
  3. Conspicuous on the road;
  4. Suitable for any class of car.

Strangely enough, blue is the least popular car colour in the world. It is chosen by less than 5% of buyers. Curiously, in Asia it is chosen by only 1-2%.

So it is obvious that all the above colours from our top 5 are in high demand in Cyprus. Consequently, it will be much easier to sell cars in these colours. When choosing an "iron horse" you should take this into account, although of course your preferences should be the deciding factor.

A wide range of cars on the DOMCar portal
Source: DOM
Photos: DOM
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