How to prepare a car for sale in Cyprus?

Как подготовить авто к продаже на Кипре?
8 July 2023 Irina Zholnirova

Preparing a car for sale is not obligatory, but it is recommended. Sometimes it allows you to save time and get a considerable profit. In the article we will tell you how to prepare your car for sale.

Lifehack No. 1: meeting "dressed up"

There are no people in the world who would want to buy a dirty thing. And if we are talking about some serious and expensive goods, it is definitely better to take care of its appearance. Rest assured: out of absolutely similar in quality and price, buyers will choose the one that sparkles.

Note: psychologically it is easier for a person to buy a good-looking thing, even if in competition with another product in terms of technical characteristics it loses. Some people are even willing to overpay just for the sake of buying a car that is pleasant in appearance.

In addition, a neat appearance will not only be attractive, but also highly evocative: it will tell you that the owner-seller is a caring, attentive and clean person. So, stop by the car wash before inviting potential buyers!

If the car has a significant age, it makes sense to splurge on body polishing, scratched headlights and lights. These simple manipulations will noticeably freshen up the "tired" car and allow you to find buyers very quickly. Against the background of other old cars (which are not so few in Cyprus) it will look very competitive.

Lifehack No.2: Minor repairs and touch-ups

After six months of use, scratches and chips appear on the car - nothing can be done about it. Especially "prone" to them are cars that are driven in the foothills and mountains of Cyprus. There are quite a lot of good, but unpaved roads, where small (and not so small) pebbles fly from under the wheels. If your car often took you out of the city, it makes sense to carefully approach this point of pre-sale preparation.

To eliminate chips and scratches is actually very simple - you can do it by yourself. Grout, special markers and aerosols are inexpensive, but they raise the commercial appearance of the car to a new level. Of course, you should not hide that you have painted over small scuffs and scratches from potential buyers. On the contrary, they will even be pleased that you have made the car look presentable.

Another thing is to check and replace all the faulty bulbs in the lights. It costs only a few euros, and the overall result is great.

Hint: don't forget that all windows, even with small cracks, must be replaced. The same applies to mirrors. This is not so much a question of beauty as of safety.

Lifehack No.3: Let's look inside

The interior is no less important than the exterior. And if we talk about cars, even more! For convenience, we will divide all "components" of the interior into 4 groups:

  1. front "control panel";
  2. seats;
  3. "floor" and "walls";
  4. trunk.

If we talk about the dashboard, steering wheel and "glove compartment", then everything is simple here: they need to be wiped clean of dust and debris, if possible to paint scratches and chips. If there was a cover on the steering wheel, it should be either removed (if it is not presentable), or cleaned up - wiped or washed.

Seats are a separate conversation. Here it is necessary to evaluate the term and the way of car exploitation, the condition of seats, their upholstery and covers. For example, if the car was used by a young married couple without children for trips around the city, you can do with a simple thorough cleaning of the interior (better - turning to professionals). If there are covers and they do not look very good - you can update them by buying a used set.

Hint: Cyprus has high humidity, so all the nooks and crannies of the cabin should be checked for mold. If there is mold, remove it with a special product or vinegar solution. Work in gloves and thoroughly ventilate the cabin after the procedures.

But if the car was used, say, to work as a cab, seats sold, and upholstery rubbed, torn or impregnated with unpleasant odors, it is best to make a complete replacement of seats. You can include their price in the final cost of the car in any case, but you will not have to justify yourself to potential buyers and hear "we will think about it” over and over again.

As for the floor and walls of the car - dry cleaning will help here. It is best to order "full service" at the car wash and do not worry that something will be missed. If the interior is in order, it is enough to wash the mats or replace them with whole ones - torn mats will definitely not add to the attractiveness of the car.

The trunk is probably the dirtiest part of the interior, and there is no surprise here. Of course, the new owners will not keep the luggage compartment surgically clean either, but you still need to make it look tidy. As a bare minimum, vacuum and remove any stains. Carpets should also be washed and replaced if necessary.

Important! Pay attention to odors in the cabin. If there is at least a hint of unpleasant amber - first ventilate the cabin, and then use a flavorizer. Ordinary store-bought will not do. It is better to use those that are well impregnated with natural aroma oils. A jar filled with clove spice will also work well. For 2-3 days it will create a very pleasant natural odor.

Lifehack No.4: neatness under the hood

A buyer who understands the mechanics of the car will definitely look under the hood. That's why you need to put things in order here, too. But, of course, not in the sense that everything should be thoroughly washed.

Important! The engine must not be washed. This can alert potential buyers. The fact is that this is how they sometimes hide leaks (wash out leaks).

All parts should be put in good shape: twist, replace some small things, straighten, where necessary - wipe. If you don't know how to do these things, call in the experts. For a small amount of money they will give you an education and help you prepare your car for sale.

Is it worth it to go through a full maintenance and replace worn out parts with new ones? It is not relevant for Cyprus. Nobody here especially does not care about it, and buyers are unlikely to appreciate this "gift".

Replacement of parts is necessary only if it affects road safety. In all other cases, it is sufficient to specify what and where it needs to be repaired. If you can guide the buyer on the price of repair/replacement services - great.

Lifehack No.5: Refilling consumables

You should not completely change oil and other consumables - it may look suspicious. But topping them up is another matter. The same applies to brake fluid, antifreeze and other things.

You can replace filters, if they are completely clogged, and spark plugs, if their term has come to an end. Interestingly, many manipulations do not need to be done if you sell an electric car.

Is it necessary to fill a full tank with fuel? Now here's a subtle point, and it applies perhaps to the lifehack below.

Lifehack No.6: adding "perks" to the deal

A transaction is always easier and more relaxed if the buyer gets something "as a gift". It sets up a positive mood and adds good emotions. It is worth taking advantage of this simple marketing move to win the favor of potential buyers.

You can offer basically anything as a bonus:

  1. full tank of gas;
  2. new mats or seat covers;
  3. first aid kit and fire extinguisher;
  4. snow chains - useful in the mountains of Cyprus in winter;
  5. a child seat, if the child has already grown out of it;
  6. car wash kit (sponges, detergents) and so on.

Even if there will be no need in the proposed, the new owners of the car will be very pleased. In the most extreme case, it is possible to enclose "set" a jar of tasty coffee! The main thing is not a gift, but attention, remember this.

Lifehack No.7: talk honestly about how the car works and behaves

It is necessary to tell the truth at least because in the case of disclosure of deception, the deal will definitely not take place. And the impressions will remain the most unpleasant. In general, Cypriots are a nation that knows how to trick, and if you are not fully familiar with the subtleties of the local mentality, it is better not to play this game at all.

But if you tell them at once how you used the car, how you took care of it, what it needs urgent and what needs delayed repair, they will at least trust you. And this trust can become a "bridge" to the deal, especially if the stated price of the car corresponds to what you told about your car.

Recommendation: if the car has quite a lot of "issues", initially put it a little overpriced, so that you can bargain.

Lifehack No.8: foresee the language barrier

If you do not speak and understand Greek very well - take care of this point in advance. If communicating in Greek on everyday topics does not cause you difficulties, then you only need to "tighten up" the vocabulary on the topic of the car and everything related to its purchase and sale.

Communication in English is also a good option, as almost everyone in Cyprus speaks this language. But there are rare exceptions too. Do not miss this nuance.

If you are not very good with languages - get the help of either friends, or a professional translator, or a specialist in selling cars. For example, on DomCar portal you will find a person who will help you.

The most important lifehack No. 9: how to make a profit from the pre-sale preparation

Logically, the cost of the car should be determined as the cost price (this is a question for the pricing of used cars) plus the cost of putting it in order. However, this is not quite true. The buyer receives not only the goods, but also a good, attentive attitude, and he also saves time for the elimination of cosmetic defects. And in general, people are really willing to pay more for an attractive looking product - even if the technical characteristics of it is the same as a similar unattractive product.

Therefore, to get a profit, use an interesting trick (which works, by the way, not only in the market of used cars): multiply all the costs of bringing the car in order by 1.5-2, depending on its class, count your time and add these amounts to the declared value of the car.

To be clearer, let's give an example:

  1. The cost of a crossover - 100 thousand euros;
  2. Expenses on bringing it in order (conditionally - full dry cleaning of interior, body, polishing and coloring of scratches, other manipulations) - 800 euros;
  3. Your time spent - if you take 15 euros per hour and spent 7 hours, it is about 100 euros;
  4. TOTAL: 100 000 + (900*2) = 101 800 euros.

You can painlessly round the amount up to 102 thousand euros. In this case, the price of the car will definitely not look overpriced.

For a large selection of cars visit the DOMCar website.
Source: DOM
Photos: Flickr
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