6 reasons to switch to an electric car in Cyprus

6 причин пересесть на электрокар на Кипре
13 May 2023 Irina Zholnirova

Reason No. 1: Government decree

Europe, perhaps more than any other country in the world, is concerned about the environmental situation. That is why the European Commission regularly introduces bans on items and actions that are harmful to the environment. For example, it plans to ban the registration of new cars with internal combustion engines by 2035, with only a few exceptions. These are likely to be "hybrids" and premium cars produced in very limited numbers.

Knowing the determination of the European authorities, we should expect such a law to be passed. Perhaps the conditions will be slightly modified - but the essence will remain the same. Cyprus, as a member of the EU, will be obliged to accept the terms.

Moreover, the Cypriot authorities themselves are not leaving the problem unattended. For example, a bill was recently passed to restrict the movement of combustion engine vehicles on certain stretches of road. The Ministry of Transport has so far proposed the following restrictions

  1. Closure of certain places to the passage of cars with internal combustion engines, usually streets in the historical centres of Cypriot cities;
  2. The prohibition of the passage of cars with internal combustion engines on certain roads at certain times, usually during rush hours;
  3. Closure of certain streets to all traffic except public transport.

All these restrictions do not yet apply to "hybrids", but common sense suggests that they will in 10-15 years' time. Given these prospects, the electric car seems to be the best option.

Reason 2: moral and ethical

A responsible attitude towards the environment is the most important component of success. No amount of bans, decrees and agitation will help unless each individual decides once and for all to live "clean" and consume consciously.

The use of an electric car is an important step in caring for the environment. It does not emit any exhaust fumes, which has a very positive effect on both clean air and other parameters. For example, slowing down global warming. In addition, the production and maintenance of electric cars also aims to reduce the creation of harmful factors.

The more electric cars there are in Cyprus, the cleaner the air will be. The amount of dust will decrease and perhaps even the climate will change to a less arid one. But that is, of course, decades in the future.

Reason 3: Financial benefit

Anyone who knows how to count money can easily prove that an electric car is a cheaper purchase in the long run than a conventional car with a combustion engine. According to Cypriot regulations, electric cars are not subject to regular technical inspections, which means that you can save around 300 euros a year (or even more).

Simple calculations also show that it is much more profitable to fill up with electricity than petrol. At Cypriot prices - about two or three times. The only nuance is that recharging is a longer process than filling the tank with petrol. But, thank God, progress does not stand still. Electric car manufacturers are working hard to reduce charging time as much as possible.

Important: The battery in an electric car should be replaced every 7-10 years (each manufacturer has its own recommendations).

Do not forget that the electric car itself is not cheap. At least in Cyprus. China has long since invented mini electric cars, which cost around 6 thousand euros, but they are practically impossible to find on the European car market. In Cyprus, the starting price for an electric car is around 25 thousand euros, and that is a new car. It is almost impossible to find an electric car on the second hand market.

It is also worth mentioning that some car manufacturers do not sell batteries for cars, but only rent them. The price starts at around 50 euros per month. On the other hand, renting means that the electric motor does not have to be replaced every 10 years.

Finally, technology does not stand still. In about 5-7 years' time, the electric car will become more affordable and the cost of maintaining it will fall even further. This is why the financial forecasts are the best.

Reason 4: Subsidies

Another advantage, which should have been mentioned separately because it is a combination of the two previous points, is all kinds of support from the Cypriot authorities. This includes financial incentives. Firstly, a subsidy is given to those who buy an electric or hybrid car. This "action" has already taken place twice.

Secondly, a cash incentive is paid when an old car is scrapped. Currently, this means a car that is 12 years old or older. In the future, it is possible that cash payments will be made to anyone who scraps a car with an internal combustion engine, regardless of its age.

Reason 5: Increased comfort

Since the European market has so far been supplied mainly with high-end electric cars, it makes sense to talk about increased comfort. These are brands from well-known manufacturers: Tesla, BMW, Mercedes, Nissan. One can imagine that their salon is the most comfortable and sophisticated. A lot of new things have been added to the technology of moving on petrol, including exclusive novelties of electronics.

It's worth mentioning that electric SUVs have another significant advantage - a long range. To put it simply, they can travel 400-600 km without recharging, which opens up great opportunities for trips outside the city. In Cyprus, for example, such a range is ideal. The maximum distance between refuelling points does not exceed 100 km. For example, you can charge in Limassol and drive safely to Platres, where there is also a charging station.

Reason 6: Keeping up with the times

This is a small but important point for those who love all things modern and want to see Cyprus (which is, by the way, quite inert in this respect) move towards development and prosperity. Agree, to have something new, unusual, not yet in common use - it is cool and status! This is roughly how the first touch-screen smartphones were treated 10 years ago.

Now the 'fashion' has moved on to electric cars. And you can be sure it will not end - it will become a natural part of everyday life. Until then, you can really enjoy the innovation and promotion of modern and, above all, useful ideas to the masses.

Is everything going so smoothly with electric cars in Cyprus?

Of course, ideal ideas of how things should be organised are at odds with reality. So before you commit to buying an electric car in Cyprus, you should be aware of some of the problems that exist on the island:

  1. The low number of charging points. By the end of 2022, there will be around 60, most of them concentrated in the centres of the main cities. By 2026, they promise to build about 1,000 charging stations, but until then you'll always have to plan your route and calculate your range very carefully. Also, many apartment blocks are being built with car parks with electric car sockets, so the future is slowly coming to Cyprus.
  2. Low supply of electric cars and their high price. It is still not easy to buy a new electric car in Cyprus, and even harder to buy a second-hand one. Many models are only available on special order, which increases the cost of an already inexpensive car.
  3. Difficulty of maintenance. As there are few electric cars, there is little demand for services to maintain them. So if your car breaks down, you have to find a place where it can be repaired.

Electricity has historically been in short supply in Cyprus, but the situation has changed dramatically in recent years. The introduction of solar panels has taken the island to a new level and in the near future there will be no problems with charging cars. In other words, cars in Cyprus will literally run on solar energy - isn't that a wonderful future? Which, by the way, is just around the corner.

Choose from a wide range of electric and hybrid cars on the DOMCar website.
Source: DOM
Photos: Flickr
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